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Ruwan Samarasinghe

(LL.B., LL.M., LL.M. (Hons))



Ruwan Samarasinghe is the key figure in our organisation. He is a Solicitor and a Registered Migration Agent in Australia, an Attorney-at-Law in Sri Lanka, and an Accredited Professional Translator (Sinhalese into English & English into Sinhalese) in Australia. He completed his Bachelor of Laws & Attorney-at-Law Qualifications in Sri Lanka, Master of Laws, Master of Laws (Hons), Graduate Diploma in Legal Practice qualifications in Australia. He has over 15 years of experience as an Immigration lawyer and a Professional Translator.




After completing his legal qualification and practicing law in Sri Lanka, he completed his legal qualifications in Australia. He admitted as a Solicitor in the Supreme Court of NSW in June 2003. He then became a registered Migration Agent in Australia in July 2004. He has been practicing Immigration Law since July 2004.


As an Immigration Lawyer, he has extensive experience in Australian Immigration Law. He has successful track record of working closely with both corporate and non-corporate clients.  These include providing advice on eligibility and obtaining: temporary and permanent work visas through employer nomination; provisional and permanent visas through General Skilled Migration visas; provisional and permanent visas through business skills and investor migration, provisional and permanent visas through family migration. He has also successfully helped his clients obtaining short-term visas. He has also negotiated Labour Agreements on behalf of his corporate clients.


Among the notable work credited to his account are assisting vulnerable partners to obtain permanent partner visas through family violence provisions when their sponsoring partners abandon them. Similarly, there were rare instances of priests being expelled from religious institutions when they hold temporary religious visas. Ruwan has assisted those priests to reinstate their religious visas.


Ruwan’s professional work is not only limited to primary work at the Department of Home Affairs. He assists his clients to go through review applications at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT).





Ruwan obtained his accreditation as a Sinhalese Professional Translator in both Sinhalese into English & English into Sinhalese directions in 2002. He has been since working as a professional Translator in his own Sinhalese Translation Services and as a freelance translator over 17 years.


In his capacity as a professional Translator, he translates very basic documents such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, death certificates, national IDs etc. for individuals who apply for their Australian Visas, Australia Citizenship and Australian Passport. There are also individuals that seek our assistance to translate documents for security clearance for high security jobs. The most complex work involved in his translation career is transcription of audio/video recordings between partners when they are at loggerhead and planning to go to courts to seek redress. In between translating very basic documents to transcription of complex audio/video recordings, the work incudes translating court proceedings, government websites, checking and proofreading of translated documents.


At Sinhalese Translation Service, no work is too small or too large.








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